Appropriate Use Statement


The Peer Edits community is a networking service intended to provide connections between volunteer editors and scientific writers. This service is and will always be entirely free for anyone to use. We do require a baseline of behavior that is outlined below. If desired, the editor and the writer may further clarify these boundaries and expectations as necessary. For example, we recommend that editors and writers be explicit about anticipated timelines and the type of editing needed. If you experience someone breaking these guidelines, we ask you report them to us.

While we encourage connection, we ask that all members maintain professionalism within and when associated with the site. Our goal is to create a safe, and inclusive space. To this end, please do not post or send anything that infringes on another's intellectual property, violates any laws, promotes exploitative or sexual behavior, or discriminates on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. If you do not follow these guidelines, you will be removed from the community.

  • Editors will:

    Never take any form of payment.

    Provide agreed upon critiques of clarity and structure of writing.

    Never make critiques based on opinions about the writer’s identity.

    Return edited manuscripts within any agreed upon timelines.

    Never infringe the intellectual property of the writer.

  • Writers will:

    Provide scientific manuscripts that are fully written and ready for editing.

    Not ask for ghostwriting or other primary writing from the editors.

    Request reasonable timelines to receive their edited manuscript.

    Respect the time of the editors.

    Not submit non-professional work such as a lab report or essay for class.

Contact us.

If you have any questions about these guidelines or would like to report inappropriate behavior by a user of this site, please contact us.